
Övre Hågådalen

You can read about Fjäll-Östen, the strong woman Stina and other people who have lived and worked at Övre Hågådalens mountain farm in Långfjället Nature Reserve in the book “Ödebygdsminnen” (Memories from a deserted area) by Tomas Ljung. He describes the farm as “the most beautifully located farm in the Idre mountains”, and claims that the small farm with its grey buildings has no other equivalent in the county of Dalarna. The area was originally used by Sami people for a long time.

Övre Hågådalen is situated a roadless area, 725 metres above sea level, at the foot of Mount Näsfjället. The farm was built sometime in the early 1800s. There were good fishing waters around the corner and large hay meadows around the bogs and shores.

A road was never built and therefore life changed less here than on most other farms. Old-fashioned self-sufficiency was the norm here long into the 1900s. In1955, farming stopped and the animals were sold. The farm is now owned by the forestry company Korsnäs and is mostly used during the grouse and moose hunting season.

Reading tip

Ljung, T. 2004: Ödebygdsminnen. Berättelser om människorna nord i marken. Länsstyrelsen i Dalarnas län.